Taylor DPD Test Kit ( K-2005) Complete


Taylor DPD Test Kit ( K-2005) Complete

SKU: 390-K2005 Category: Tags: , , ,


Taylor Complete Test Kit, Model K-2005

This is the kit you need to test water properly and effectively. Why not test the water yourself instead of relying on the local pool store.
The Complete kit includes nine tests for thorough testing…Total Chlorine, Free Chlorine, Bromine, pH, Acid Demand, Base Demand, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and Cyanuric Acid. Includes 1 ounce reagent bottles.

Taylor 2000 Series
Maintaining safe pool/spa water for the public is an important responsibility. Therefore, precise test results are essential when checking the water quality of commercial pools and spas. Taylorâ„¢ 2000 Series is designed for the kind of comprehensive, routine testing performed by service technicians, public and semipublic pool operators, and other professionals. Taylorâ„¢ 2000 Series uses printed color standards to achieve a reliable and accurate color match, making frequent test comparisons even easier.
2000 Series kits feature six different chlorine ( High Range : 0.5-5 ppm, Low Range : 0.25-2.5 ppm), bromine (HR: 1-10 ppm, LR: .5-5 ppm) and pH (7.0 to 8.0) standards

Order Number 390-K2005


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