Temperature Sensor (10 K) Solar, Air, Water W/15′ Cord , Hayward (GLX-PC-12-Kit)


Temperature Sensor (10 K) Solar, Air, Water W/15′ Cord , Hayward (GLX-PC-12-Kit)

SKU: 302-GLXPC12KIT Category: Tags: , , ,


Temperature Sensor (10 K) Solar, Air, Water W/15' Cord , Hayward / Goldline (GLX-PC-12-Kit)

Part Number: 338-GLXPC12KIT

Cross Reference: Use with any Goldline control including Aquarite, Aqualogic, Pool/Spa solar heating

 controls (GL-235, Aqua Solar) Solar water heating controls (GL-30), Replacement sensors for
 setpoint temperature controls (SP-xx) and temperature displays. Also Goldline PC-10k., Jandy (7790)

* 10K thermistor types
* use with any Goldline controls
* +/- 1.0 F accuracy
* resistance-temperature chart


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